How to Lead and Manage Salespeople for High Performance

Achieving high performance among salespeople requires effective leadership and management. In this article and video, I provide practical advice on how to best lead and coach salespeople for top sales results.

Selecting the Right Salespeople

To have high-performing salespeople, it’s crucial to ensure the right person is in the right job. This involves collaborating with the HR department to ensure the right fit for the role. Utilizing assessment tools like PXT Select can greatly aid in the decision-making process, ensuring that the right candidates are chosen for sales positions.

Evaluating and Developing Salespeople

In previous articles and videos, the necessity of evaluating salespeople was discussed, along with providing a free sales skills assessment form to help in this process. This mutual evaluation helps identify areas where salespeople need to improve. Building on this, the focus shifts to coaching and developing salespeople based on the evaluation results. Understanding each salesperson’s unique traits and abilities is crucial for tailoring training and coaching efforts.

Leadership and Management Roles

The distinct roles of leaders and managers in fostering high performance is a core responsibility of management. Leaders are responsible for setting the direction of the company or department, engaging in strategic planning, and adjusting tactics based on market trends. Managers, on the other hand, ensure that salespeople are aligned with these strategies, working towards common goals, and understanding their expectations.

Adapting to Changes in Sales Practices

Recently I spoke with the owner of a small distribution business with ten salespeople who were not delivering on sales expectations. There had been a change in how the company operated and the salespeople were no longer going out to meet customers due to the time it took to drive in a congested city. All sales activities were now performed online. This changed the dynamics of the selling process and required people in sales to work as a team, which was something they were not all accustomed to. This shift necessitated a team-based approach to sales, highlighting the importance of having the right person in the right role. Customizing the hiring process, training, and coaching based on individual roles and capabilities is essential in such scenarios.

Continuous Improvement for Leaders and Managers

Leaders and managers must also continually improve their skills to drive business growth. This involves understanding their strengths and weaknesses, sharpening their skills, and engaging in ongoing formal learning. Like a chef constantly sharpening their knives to ensure optimal performance, leaders and managers should view their talents and abilities as tools that need regular honing through training and development.

Summarizing Key Points

In conclusion, a clear business strategy and the importance of rallying the team to execute plans effectively are reiterated. Understanding both team members and oneself, and continuously developing leadership and management skills, are critical components for success.

Additional Resources

For further guidance, various resources are provided, including a free evaluation for salespeople, a management and leadership assessment, and a “Are You a Leader or Manager” test. Viewers are invited to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more practical tips and ideas on enhancing workplace performance.

By applying these principles, leaders and managers can cultivate high-performing sales teams capable of achieving outstanding results.