How to Create a Great Company and Save the World at the Same Time

create a great company

We face many problems and challenges in our lives, and it seems to result in a messy world. People within their own communities and families often have difficulty getting along. There is still senseless violence and destruction that is threatening our very existence.

On the other hand, there is so much beauty and goodness that exists all around us and within us. Every human being shares the same qualities of being human that crosses boundaries of culture, religion, and politics. These qualities are kindness, compassion, love, appreciation and more.

create a great company

Yet for those qualities to triumph over the negative qualities that also exist in us, we need to individually recognize and cultivate those attributes. It reminds me of the old indigenous story about the two wolves.

We all have two wolves living inside us, the good wolf, and the bad wolf. They battle one another constantly. Which wolf will win the war asks the young child to his grandfather? The one you feed replies the grandfather.

Leaders and business owners have opportunity to create an environment that fosters the goodness in people and promotes collaboration and respect. The more people can experience this in the workplace, the more they can discover that this is possible in all aspects of their lives and interaction with others.

Naturally this takes a concerted effort from everyone. You cannot just wave a magic wand and have your wish come true and suddenly everyone is helping and supporting each other. But if backstabbing and abuse is possible so is the opposite. If we think it, it can happen.

Like any change action is required. Employee involvement is required. But if this is something that becomes a mission or key goal of the organization and everyone strives to create that as reality, then it can happen.

No workplace is perfect and probably never will be just like this world. But if we are going to reverse the destructive nature of humanity, we need to start where we have the most power and authority. That is with us first and then with our families, workplace, and communities.

I do not have a recipe to propose but all you need to do is start.