Physical fitness is imperative for greater success in life and work and yet not everyone exercises regularly. The CDC claims only 23% of Americans are getting enough exercise.
The other day I was feeling somewhat sluggish and having difficulty staying focused to work on an important project. The next morning, I did a home workout with my partner led by a professional trainer who just happens to be my neighbour and a fantastic instructor.
After the workout I was amazed at how great I felt. I was feeling energized and motivated to get working on my project again. This made me think how important regular physical training is not only to our physical health but also to our mental and emotional state.
Leaders need to lead by example as I spoke about this in a recent video and article. They also need to encourage employees to be healthy and physical exercise is an important component of total health.
Leaders can also provide a platform for people to exercise at work. You do not need a gym for this as I am discovering now that the gyms are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Everyday I either train or do some form of physical activity. Having a high energy sporting dog helps as I need to get out daily with him for a brisk walk or run. Luckily, I live next to a large nature park that provides a great location for this
Good health and staying active is part of a recipe for feeling great, along with proper diet and a balanced mental and emotional state. We all want to feel good but do not always want to take the steps required to exercise regularly and eat well, especially if we have developed bad habits in this regard.
The first action then is to choose one thing to change or improve and take a first step in that direction. This approach is about changing a habit, which is usually uncomfortable at first but with persistence becomes easier day by day.
Suppose you want to simply get fitter and feel better about yourself. Perhaps start with a 10-minute workout in the morning or at a specific time in the day. Schedule that in your agenda so you can keep a check on yourself. Go to YouTube and search for something like short home workout. There are many like this ten-minute workout that do not require any equipment (do not let the into scare you away). There are plenty more of these.
In my goal setting training I explain the wheel of life exercise. Each dimension of your life is like a spoke on a wheel. If one spoke bends or breaks the wheel cannot work properly, causing a very bumpy ride. When one important dimension of your life like physical health is out of synch the whole being suffers. Creating a habit of daily or regular physical activity on a consistent basis is one of the best things you can do to live a happy and healthy life.