Jump-start Employee Improvement with this Key Tactic for Year-End Employee Performance Reviews

employee performance

As we near the end of another year many companies are having their managers conduct annual employee performance reviews.

There is usually a discussion of what has been performed well and what needs improvement. This is great and by adding my improvement tip you can really see tangible improvements in employee performance.

Set One Improvement Goal

Rather than set many goals focus on one at a time. Discuss the improvements you want to see with the employee and choose one that will bring the most gain. Explain why this is so important and how it will benefit you the manager, the department and of course the employee.

Write it Down

Take note of the improvement but better still turn it into a goal using my goal planning worksheet. Even better have the employee fill out the goal planning form and walk through it together. This way you can discuss any obstacles and the coinciding solutions and actions that are needed.

Provide Support

Once you have specified the goal and put it into writing ask what support they need if any to achieve their goal. Usually this support is what you need to provide as the manager. Write it down on the goal planning worksheet and make sure to discuss at the follow-up session.

Schedule Follow-up

Often managers get through the performance review session and do not meet the employee for another year so there is no measurement and feedback on the desired improvement. Rather, schedule a meeting in your calendars for within 90 days.

Keep Performance Records

Log performance that is positive and negative using my performance record form. This way when you meet the employee you have precise notes on situations that require praise and coaching.


No need to wait until the follow-up session to give feedback. When you see the employee making improvements let them know right away. This will reinforce what the effort they are making and show you are noticing it.

Follow these simple steps and you are sure to see great improvement in the performance of each employee that reports to you.