Daily team stand-up meetings also known as SCRUM meetings have become common in software development and manufacturing companies. People stand-up to keep the meetings short, no longer than 15 minutes.
Here are techniques to keep the meetings effective:
- Make sure everyone participates. There meetings are for communication and specifically to inform the team of any issues or problems so, everyone should have a chance to express themselves. Use the round robin method to give each person a turn at communicating.
- Use body language to detect if there is an issue that someone may not be expressing. Question that person to find out if something needs to be discussed.
- Use non-verbal communication to get consensus on an issue or a decision. Thumbs up lets you know everyone is on board, thumbs down everyone is not.
These meetings are not problem solving meetings and if an issue arises that requires more time, you need to schedule a problem solving session to solve the problem.