I used a new title to describe this post that continues my case study of the organization I am coaching on implementing the win-win agreement process that embraces the Three Brain Synergy methodology of types of people.
The title reflects the goal of the owner of the company who sees this process and the leadership training that proceeded it as essential to scaling the organization. What he means by this is that in order for the organization to continue to grow and be less dependant on him driving everything, his managers and their teams need to develop greater autonomy in decision-making and be more pro-active in taking initiative to identify and act on key opportunities.
He realizes that this will only happen through shifting his own leadership approach and by coaching his direct reports so they make better decisions and themselves delegate and develop their team members.
The win-win process we are implementing is geared to assure that each manager is committed to their own leadership transformation and that they are well supported by the president. Thus each win-win agreement is a two-way written document that covers the performance commitments of the manager and is supported by a written support committment by his/her boss.
Over the last few weeks I have interviewed each manager and their manager and drafted both the performance commitments and the support commitments. Now I am meeting with the two parties, the manager and his boss to review the final drafted document. Once this is agreed upon by both parties, the next step will be to conduct a practice review coaching session. In the coaching session they are to practice the skills of coaching and active listening they learned in the training workshops.
The goal each month is to have them meet to discuss and evaluate the performance of the manager for each leadership behaviour that is crucial for the realization of their most critical operational responsibilities as described in the document. The same is done for the support commitments by the boss. Both parties must agree on the evaluation score and this happens through discussing their perceptions while practicing active listening. They must come to consensus on the final evaluation score.
I will sit in on a few sessions following the practice session to monitor their performance and assure the sessions take place.
The next phase will be to introduce the empowerment initiative process, which really drives continuous improvement for both the managers and the operations.
I will soon report on the progress of the evaluation coaching sessions. For more information visit the Three Brain Synergy website.
Stephen Goldberg