PXT SelectTM
The Employee Test Tool
Affordable, Easy & Fast.
The PXT SelectTM is a pre-employment testing tool that helps you select candidates and match them with the job for which they are best suited, based on their core behaviors.

All the tools you’ll need
to interview better & hire smarter

Combines over 20 years of research
with powerful assessment technology
Built on the legacy of the ProfileXT®, a flagship selection tool from Profiles International and now a Wiley brand, the PXT SelectTM offers superior selection and employee-assessment solutions that fill the gap between the resume and interview. Multiple reports for one price!
Having the right person in the right chair is truly powerful. PXT SelectTM’s suite of reports helps you with:
“Using the Profile XT assessment tool has greatly improved the hiring of new employees and has made decision-making more precise. Turnover has decreased, and employee performance has improved significantly. We also used the tool to asses all our staff to better understand how to coach and manage them.”
Support always available
PXT SelectTM lets HR managers manage their own employee personality tests. A PXT SelectTM Expert from Optimus Performance is always available for support and discussion.
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